Sunday 13 August 2017

Baby Quilt 7

Just found out about this new little guy when I saw the announcement photos. He is already over a month old.
They are living in Edmonton so wanted to do something coastal. Not sure we have any pirates but sea life we do have.

The last time I made this quilt I was doing random. Way too much thinking when it came time to lay it out as I don't like the same fabric next to each other and it is quite a bit of moving and rearranging to get a pleasing layout. This time I went with the same nine square layout. No thinking or planning. Love how I could sit and sew and not think. Sometimes these are my favourite sewing meditations.
Winging its way to Oscar.


  1. "Sit and sew and not think." Ahhhhhhhh! Yes!

  2. Hi Pam,
    I am 100% sure that Oscar will love this. He'll feel all the love that was stitched and quilted into this cute quilt. ~smile~ Roseanne
